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Club Meetings are structured around several different activities:


“How to” sessions - Members are taught how to use their cameras and the basics of photography. We also run occasional photo editing workshops using Photoshop and Affinity software.


Challenges – Set once a month to test members abilities regardless of their experience and equipment. These are non-competitive.


Critique sessions – Theses often take place after challenges or outings. We discuss each other photographs and how they might be improved.


Indoor practicals – These take place in the village hall. We all bring our cameras along and then experiment with different set ups or scenes e.g., portraits, different types of lighting, still life. We discuss the results in Critique sessions.


Support materials - To supplement and support "How to" and practical sessions, members are provided with a range of support material in the form of articles, presentations, "cheat sheets", recommended websites etc.


OutingsFrom May to September, we go out and about as a group visiting local places of interest such as Gloucester Cathedral, the Cotswold sculpture Park, sporting events etc. The intention is to test and develop our photographic skills in a relaxed social environment. 


Speakers - Occasionally the Club will invite external speakers to talk to members about different aspects of photography, new ideas and developments or to show and discuss their work. 

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